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Week 3- Legal Framework Continued

Agenda Week 3 QLM

This is sent by Announcement at the end of each week to remind you. Reserve Sep 4th for class as...

Begin Project Part 3

Why It Matters: Employee Rights and Responsibilities

Why learn about rights and responsibilities of employees and their employers? In business it is ...

Introduction to Laws and Employee Rights

What you’ll learn to do: Discuss laws relating to employee rights Legislation and associated cou...

Employee Information

LEARNING OUTCOMES Discuss laws related to employee information Employee informa...

Employee Behavior Outside of Work

LEARNING OUTCOMES Discuss laws related to employee behavior outside of the workplace Di...

Introduction to Employee-Employer Contracts

What you’ll learn to do: Discuss the employee-employer contractual relationship In the United St...

Employment at Will Doctrine

LEARNING OUTCOMES Explain the Employment at Will Doctrine Identify exceptions to the Em...

Introduction to Disciplinary Factors and Guidelines

What you’ll learn to do: Discuss disciplinary factors and guidelines We often think of disciplin...

The Purpose of Discipline

LEARNING OUTCOMES Discuss the purpose of discipline Every effective organizat...

Progressive Discipline

LEARNING OUTCOMES Discuss the progressive discipline process In order to avoid ...

Formalizing Behavior Standards, Consequences, and Procedures

LEARNING OUTCOMES Discuss laws relating to employee rights Discuss disciplinary factors and gui...

Putting It Together: Employee Rights and Responsibilities

In the workplace, as in society, employees and employers have both rights and responsibilities. F...

Discussion: Employee Rights and Responsibilities

Step 1: To view this discussion prompt, click on Discussion: Employee Rights and Responsibilities...