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Module 7 Discussion: Public Speaking

Module 7 Discussion: Public Speaking

Part 1: Your Presentation

Your task is to create a five minute presentation supported by PowerPoint slides. Imagine you are the general manager of a grocery or clothing store and you are going to conduct a team meeting to teach your staff about a new policy or procedure. Select one of the following topics for your presentation:

  • a new loss prevention policy
  • a new promotional strategy
  • a new cash handling policy

If you wish do present on a different topic you must first get permission from your instructor.

Your PowerPoint presentation should have a minimum of 4 slides: a title page, content slides, and conclusion.You will present your visual essay to the class. Please email the instructor a copy before class on the due date. You will also post your presentation in the discussion board for your classmates to provide feedback.

Part 2: Peer Feedback

Choose at least two of your classmates’ presentations to review. You will review both their slides and their presentation, so make sure to take notes during your peers’ presentations! You will write feedback (minimum 150 words) for each classmate based on the following questions:

  • Does the speaker read each slide verbatim or include additional information than the content on the slides?
  • Do they have the minimum number of required slides?
  • Is there presentation the required length? (5 minutes +/− 30 seconds)?
  • How is the speakers volume, speed of speech, and clarity?
  • What is successful or unsuccessful about layout and look of the slides?
  • Are there any grammatical or spelling errors in the slides?

Grading Rubric

Criteria Not Evident Developing Exemplary Points
Submit your slide deck 0 pts

No slide deck submitted

5 pts

Slide deck does not have at least 4 slides

10 pts

Slide deck has at least 4 slides focused on a central theme

10 pts
Present within the allotted time 0 pts

No presentation completed

5 pts

Presentation is either 30 second under or over 5 minutes

10 pts

Presentation is within 30 seconds of the required 5-minute length

10 pts
Speak with appropriate volume, speed, and clarity 0 pts

No presentation completed

5 pts

Presentation cannot be heard, is too fast or too slow, or cannot be understood

10 pts

Presentation is spoken at an adequate volume, speed, and clarity

10 pts
Present your slides effectively 0 pts

No presentation completed

5 pts

Presentation is disjointed, unprofessional, or too reliant on slide deck text

10 pts

Presentation is professional and feels cohesive

10 pts
Analyze at least two peers’ presentations 0 pts

No response to peers

5 pts

Responded to only one peer

10 pts

Responded to two peers

10 pts
Total: 50 pts