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Fundamentals of Marketing

Module 1 - What is Marketing

What Is Marketing?

Why explain what marketing is and how it’s used? When you hear the term “marketing,” what comes ...

Marketing Defined

What you’ll learn to do: define marketing Marketing is more than just banner ads, television com...

Marketing Defined

What Is Marketing? Marketing is a set of activities related to creating, communicating, delive...

Marketing in Action

Identify evidence of marketing in everyday life In this section, you’ll get a chance to explore ...

Marketing in Action

Marketing is all around you. Enter a store, walk down the street, visit the Internet, or glance t...

The Marketing Concept

Company Orientation and the Marketing Concept In every transaction between a buyer and seller, t...

Marketing and Customer Relationships

Describe the role of marketing in building and managing customer relationships The marketing con...

Marketing and Customer Relationships

Customer Relationship Management: A Strategic Imperative We have stated that the central purpose...

How Organizations Use Marketing

Describe how different types of organizations, such as nonprofits, consumer product (B2C) firms, ...

How Organizations Use Marketing

Although we often think of marketing in the context of for-profit businesses and product sales, a...

Value of Marketing

Explain how marketing creates value for the consumer, the company, and society For some people, ...

The Value of Marketing

Marketing can mobilize attitudes and behavior around a common vision. It is a powerful medium for...


1. The term that best describes the process of identifying, satisfying, and maintaining customer ...


Advertising: The practice of promoting a product, service, or idea through various media, suc...

Module 2 - Marketing Function

Marketing Function

Why identify the primary marketing activities of an organization? It’s springtime. You’ve just...

Importance of Customer

Explain why the customer is the cornerstone of marketing As we dive into the mechanics of market...

Why Customers Matter?

Who Are Customers, and Why Do They Matter? Marketing exists to help organizations understand, re...

Segmentation and Targeting Introduction

Briefly explain the concepts of segmentation and targeting We have established that the customer...

Defining Your Target Market

Whom Are You Trying to Reach? Suppose you are selling automotive detailing products. Is your t...

Communicating the Value Proposition

Define and communicate an organization’s value proposition in a competitive marketplace Once you...

Value for the Customer

What Is Value? Earlier in this module we discussed that marketing exists to help organizations u...

Communicating the Value Proposition

What Is a Value Proposition? We have discussed the complexity of understanding customer percepti...

Evaluating Value Proposition Examples

What you’ll learn to do: evaluate examples of value propositions If you were asked to evaluate t...

Value Proposition Examples

The Value Proposition in Action Let’s take a look at some real examples and evaluate them. Are t...

Coffee Shop Marketing

Starbucks is a powerful global brand that brings with it a sense of being cool and new. A stodgy ...

Marketing Mix

Describe the marketing mix The value proposition explains why a consumer should buy a product or...

Defining the Marketing Mix

Reaching Customers through the Marketing Mix The value proposition is a simple, powerful stateme...

Components of the Marketing Mix

Product In the marketing mix, the term “product” means the solution that the customer wants and ...

Using the Marketing Mix

Explain how organizations use the marketing mix to market to their target customers Now that we ...

Finding the Right Marketing Mix

How does an organization determine the right marketing mix? The answer depends on the organizatio...

Chobani Case

In 2005, Turkish immigrant Hamdi Ulukaya bought a yogurt plant from Kraft Foods in Johnston, New ...

Role of Marketing Plan

Explain the role of a marketing plan as a guiding document for marketing activities How do organ...

The Role of the Marketing Plan

The Marketing Plan Effective marketing requires a plan—specifically, a marketing plan. Although ...

Marketing Function

The Four Ps of Marketing Yourself Now that you have a deeper understanding of the marketing fu...

Analyzing Marketing Efforts

Step 1: Choose an Organization Choose an organization that does marketing. Use the guidelines be...

Module 2 Assignment: Submit Marketing Plan Template

During this course, you will learn to develop all the essential elements of a Marketing Plan. The...


1. Surf Diva, a surf instruction company, finds an unmet need in teaching teenage girls how to su...


Marketing: The process of identifying, anticipating, and satisfying customer needs and wants ...

Module 3 - Segmentation and Targeting

Segmentation and Targeting

Why determine market segments and target customers? Suppose you have just accepted a product mar...

Segmentation and Targeting Rationale

Explain the purpose of segmentation and targeting in marketing Segmentation and targeting are es...

The Purpose of Market Segmentation and Targeting

What Is Market Segmentation All About? Segmentation helps marketers answer the following set of ...

Common Segmentation Approaches

Describe common segmentation approaches The next section of this module walks through several co...

Segmentation Criteria and Approaches

Common Approaches to Market Segmentation Segmentation starts by identifying all the potential bu...

Segmentation Decisions

Explain the process of selecting an appropriate segmentation approach and deciding which customer...

Choosing a Segmentation Approach and Target Segments

Conducting a Market Segmentation As you have seen, there are many different ways a company can s...

eHarmony Targets Women Case

A Dating Web Site for Women When it was launched in 2000, eHarmony quickly made its mark as a ...

Targeting and Marketing Mix

Explain how targeting influences each element of the marketing mix Segmentation helps you decide...

Targeting Strategies and the Marketing Mix

Using the Marketing Mix to Reach Target Segments Once target segments are identified, the market...

Case Study: Red Bull Wins the “Extreme” Niche

Background Red Bull is an Austria-based company started in 1987 by Dietrich Mateschitz that sell...

Segmentation and Targeting

Remember Chumber, your new employer from the beginning of this module? Now that you’ve learned s...


1. A bicycle repair company conducted segmentation research and then targeted their direct mail c...


Market segmentation: The process of dividing a market into smaller groups of consumers with s...

Module 4 - Marketing Strategy

Marketing Strategy

Why explain how a marketing strategy supports an organization’s corporate strategy? In this mo...

Evaluate Alignment of Marketing Strategies

Evaluate how marketing strategies align with corporate strategies Most of this course will focus...

What Is Strategy?

A strategy is a directed course of action to achieve an intended set of goals.[1]  A tactic i...

Strategy and Tactics

Definitions A strategy is a directed course of action to achieve an intended set of goals.[1] ...

The Mission Statement

A Mission Statement Explains Why an Organization Exists The mission statement guides the corpo...

Strategy and Objectives

The Need for Objectives As we discussed before, a business strategy must take into account the c...

Marketing Strategy Mechanics

Explain the inputs and components of a marketing strategy The company strategy and objectives pr...

Creating the Marketing Strategy

Inputs That Inform Marketing Strategy To a great extent, developing the marketing strategy follo...

Optimizing the Marketing Mix

With a clear understanding of the corporate objectives, marketers must decide which strategies an...

Implementation and Budget

Implementation Even a well-designed marketing program that has been through a thorough evaluatio...

Evaluating Marketing Results

No marketing program is planned and implemented perfectly. Marketing managers will tell you that ...

Strategic Planning Tools

Show how common analytic tools are used to inform the organization’s strategy When a company is ...

SWOT Analysis

A situation analysis is often referred to by the acronym SWOT, which stands for strengths, weakne...

BCG Matrix

Purpose When a company has many different products or even many different lines of business, str...

Strategic Opportunity Matrix

The last strategic framework that we will consider is the strategic opportunity matrix (sometimes...

Examples of Corporate Strategies

Give some examples of corporate strategies It can be challenging to get a handle on an abstract ...

Market Penetration Example

Under Armour Under Armour promotes its products through sponsorship agreements with cele...

Market Development Example

Poached Jobs Market development: use existing products to capture new markets Together, the hos...

Product Development Example

Nissan Motors Product development: create new products that can be sold in existing markets ...

Diversification Example

Disney Diversification: create new opportunities by creating new products that will be introduce...

Customer Relationships

Explain how the development and maintenance of customer relationships are an essential part of an...

Customer-Relationship Strategies

A situation analysis can reveal whether a company’s relationship with customers is a strength to ...

Harley Davidson Customer Relationships

Once a company understands its buyer personas, how can it match those to real people who will buy...

Marketing Strategy

Since Southwest Airlines is a familiar example by now, let’s do a more complete review of its str...

Marketing Plan, Part I

Student Instructions Complete the following information about the organization and products and/...


1. A means or action by which a plan or objectives are accomplished is the definition of a: ...


Target market: The specific group of consumers that a business is trying to reach with its ma...

Module 5 - Ethics And Social Responsibility

Ethics and Social Responsibility

Why learn about ethics and social responsibility? Generally speaking, students believe that ther...

Ethical Marketing Issues

Describe the types of ethical and social responsibility issues that marketing must address We wi...

Defining Ethics

Ethics is the set of moral principles or values that guides behavior. There is a general recognit...

Common Ethical Issues in Marketing

Let’s start by taking at look at a hypothetical business situation: EXAMPLES You’re a...

New Challenges in Marketing Ethics

New marketing channels create opportunities for new tactics, but sometimes these developments bri...

Corporate Social Responsibility

So far we have focused on ethical dilemmas in terms of risk. If a company acts unethically, it ri...

Regulatory Laws

Explain the laws that regulate marketing While there are situations in which we expect individua...

Product Liability

Introduction Product liability is the legal liability a manufacturer or trader incurs for produc...

Privacy Laws

What does privacy mean in today’s world? Privacy is the ability of an individual or group to secl...

Fraud in Marketing

Fraud is the deliberate deception of someone else with the intent of causing damage. The damage n...

B2B and B2C Marketer Ethical Dilemmas

Explain how ethical dilemmas in business-to-business marketing differ from those in consumer mark...

Ethics in B2B Marketing

You will recall that business-to-business (B2B) marketing differs from business-to-consumer (B2C)...

Gifts and Bribes

Gift giving in business is commonplace and contentious at the same time. Business gifts are usual...

Ensuring Ethical Marketing and Sales

Describe measures companies take to encourage ethical behavior Ethical issues arise at both an o...

A Culture of Accountability

At the beginning of this module we discussed the 2015 revelation that Volkswagen installed emissi...

Executive Role in Ethics

Consider the following observation by the ECI on the results of the National Business Ethics surv...

Ethics for Marketing Employees

f you are hired to work in marketing at a typical company, there will likely be clear ethical sta...

Social Responsibility Marketing Impact

What you’ll learn to do: explain how demonstrating corporate social responsibility can impact mar...

Social Responsibility in the Marketing Strategy

You’ll recall that we defined corporate social responsibility as the ethical behavior of a compan...

Putting It Together: Ethics and Social Responsibility

In this module we’ve covered a range of different corporate ethical challenges, legal requirement...

Module 5 Discussion: Analyzing Social Responsibility

Instructions Write a two-part post for the Discussion on this topic. Each part should be 1–2 par...


1. If a company is operating with ethical marketing behavior it: A) does not disclose when m...


Ethics: Principles that guide the behavior of a person or organization, particularly in regar...

Module 6 - Marketing Information and Research

Why It Matters: Marketing Information and Research

Why use marketing information and research to develop marketing strategies for organizations? ...

Importance of Marketing Information

What you’ll learn to do: explain the role of marketing information in helping organizations under...

The Importance of Marketing Information and Research

Fresh Customer Insights Effective marketing starts with a strong knowledge of your customers: th...

Case Study: Juicy Fruit Gum

Discovering Why They Chew Back in the nineties, Juicy Fruit Gum, the oldest brand of the Wm. W...

Types of Marketing Information

What you’ll learn to do: describe key types of marketing information including internal data, com...

Types of Marketing Information

Illuminating the Marketing Picture There are three primary types of marketing information market...

The Marketing Research Process

What you’ll learn to do: outline a standard process for using marketing information and research ...

The Marketing Research Process

A Standard Approach to Research Inquiries Marketing research is a useful and necessary tool for ...

Marketing Research Techniques

What you’ll learn to do: recognize alternative techniques for conducting marketing research, incl...

Secondary Marketing Research

Tapping Existing Sources of Information Before diving into primary research for a marketing rese...

Primary Marketing Research Methods

Choosing the Right Primary Research Method When secondary research doesn’t provide...

Marketing Data Sources

What you’ll learn to do: Identify major sources of available marketing data Marketing informatio...

Marketing Data Sources

Marketing Information: Where the Data Is? Earlier sections of this module alluded to excellent...

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Systems

What you’ll learn to do: explain how customer relationship management (CRM) systems can help orga...

Customer Relationship Management Systems

Marketing Information and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Earlier in this course, we ci...

Using Marketing Information

What you’ll learn to do: use marketing information to inform the marketing strategy After you wo...

Using Marketing Information

Translating Marketing Information into Action With marketing information and research results co...

Putting It Together: Marketing Information and Research

Back to Bookends Let’s pay Uncle Dan and his bookstore another visit, now that you’re a little f...


1. Which marketing process is a systematic way to link collected and analyzed marketing informati...


A/B testing: A method of comparing two versions of a product or marketing campaign to determine...

Module 7 - Consumer Behavior

Why It Matters: Consumer Behavior

Why learn about consumer behavior? Please welcome a new arrival At 1:26 a.m. this...

Learning Hacks: Should I Ask For Help?

THE HACK If you aren’t sure if you are understanding, reach out to a peer or a teacher for help....

Buying-Process Stages

What you’ll learn to do: describe the stages of the buying process Take a moment to think about ...

The “Black Box” of Consumer Behavior

The relationship between the customer (also called the buyer) and the provider (the seller) forms...

Buying-Process Stages

The Consumer Decision Process Figure 1 outlines the process a consumer goes through in making a ...

Low-Involvement vs. High-Involvement Decisions

What you’ll learn to do: explain the different buying processes for low-involvement and high-invo...

Low-Involvement vs. High-Involvement Decisions

How Involved Are You? You’re at the grocery store, looking at the dog food selection. How long...

Factors Influencing Consumer Decisions

The consumer decision process helps you understand the steps people go through when they are deci...

Influences on Consumer Decisions

What, Exactly, Influences a Purchasing Decision? While the decision-making process itself appear...

Situational Factors

Buying Task The buying task refers to the consumer’s approach to solving a particular problem an...

Personal Factors

In addition to situational factors, there are also individual traits and characteristics that can...

Psychological Factors

Consumer Decisions and the Workings of the Psyche When we talk about psychological factors that ...

Video: Consumer Attitudes

Putting Consumer Attitudes and Beliefs to the Test Just how powerful are consumer attitudes and ...

Social Factors

People Influencing People Social factors represent another important set of influences on consum...

B2B Purchasing Decisions

What you’ll learn to do: explain the B2B buying process and factors influencing B2B purchasing de...

Organizational Buyer Behavior

Individual consumers are not the only buyers in a market. Companies and other organizations also ...

Video: Complexities of a B2B Solution Sale

With the rise in mobile communications, Air Canada found itself in a situation where its technolo...

The Organizational Buying Process

Making B2B Buying Decisions The organizational buying process contains eight stages, which are l...

Putting It Together: Consumer Behavior

Applying the Concepts: Finn’s Family Buys a Pet Do you remember Finn, the newest little consumer...

Module 7 Discussion: Customer Profile

Instructions Write a post for the Discussion on this topic, addressing the questions below. Each...


1. The relationship formed between the seller and the customer after they both assess trade-offs ...


Attitude: A person's evaluation of a product, service, or concept, based on their beliefs, fe...

Module 8 - Positioning

Why It Matters: Positioning

Why create a product or service positioning statement that aligns with a value proposition and a ...

Defining Positioning and Differentiation

What you’ll learn to do: define product positioning and differentiation, and explain why they are...

Defining Positioning and Differentiation

What Makes You Different and Better? Positioning is a strategic process that marketers use to de...

The Positioning Process

What you’ll learn to do: explain the process of selecting a positioning and differentiation strat...

The Positioning Process

Getting to the Right Position Arriving at the best positioning and differentiation strategy invo...

Video: Starbucks Delivers Community and Connection

What business is Starbucks really in? “We wanted to build a third place between home and work,” ...

Developing Positioning Statements

What you’ll learn to do: develop and evaluate positioning statements based on defined criteria A...

Developing Positioning Statements

A Simple Formula A positioning statement is one sentence that succinctly identifies the target...


What you’ll learn to do: explain repositioning and the associated risks and complexities of repos...


When It’s Time to Change Direction After they are initially introduced to the market, products...

Implementing Positioning Strategy

What you’ll learn to do: describe the process of implementing a positioning strategy With your n...

Implementing Positioning Strategy

Putting Positioning into Practice The positioning strategy, embodied in a strong positioning sta...

Putting It Together: Positioning

Positioning Your Way Out of Obscurity Let’s get back to the challenge that started this module...

Module 8 Discussion: Positioning and Differentiation

Instructions Write a post for the Discussion on this topic, addressing the questions below. Unle...


1. The process organizations use to highlight the standout qualities of their product or service ...


Unique selling proposition (USP): A unique selling proposition is a specific feature or benef...

Module 9 - Branding

Why It Matters: Branding

Why analyze elements of a brand and explain how the brand-building process contributes to the suc...

Learning Hacks: How Should I Study Across Topics?

THE HACK Frequently switch up what you study rather than focusing on the same topic The Story ...

Elements of Brand

What you’ll learn to do: describe the elements of brand and how brands add value to an organizati...

Elements of Brand

What Is a Brand? As we start our exploration of brand and its role in marketing, take a few minu...

Video: REI Builds Brand by Closing on Black Friday

Organizations build their brands through all the ways they communicate and interact with consumer...

Types of Brands

There Are Many Types of Brands Many kinds of things can become brands. Different types of brands...

Brand Equity

What you’ll learn to do: define brand equity and its role in measuring brand strength When most ...

Brand Equity

Brand Equity In marketing, brand equity refers to the value of a well-known brand that conjures ...

Brand Positioning and Alignment

What you’ll learn to do: explain how marketers use brand positioning to align marketing activitie...

Brand Positioning and Alignment

Building Strong Brands: Consistency Matters In order to make an impression in a market, brands n...

Video: Red Bull’s Extreme Brand Alignment

The energy drink Red Bull has developed a fun, edgy, maverick identity to match the young male ad...

Name Selection

What you’ll learn to do: explain the importance of name selection in the success of a brand How ...

Name Selection

What’s in a (Brand) Name? A brand identifies a company, product, or service as dis...


What you’ll learn to do: discuss the role of packaging in the brand-building process Imagine you...


Creating the Perfect Package Product packaging is an underappreciated hero in the marketing worl...

Brand Development Strategies

What you’ll learn to do: explain key strategies for developing brands including brand ownership, ...

Brand Development Strategies

Managing Brands As Strategic Assets As organizations establish and build strong brands, they can...

Putting It Together: Branding

Investigating Brand Power As noted earlier in this module, every year organizations conduct anal...

Module 9 Assignment: Marketing Plan, Part 2

Student Instructions Complete the following information about the organization and products and/...


1. Tangible and intangible features like design, symbols, customer touch points, etc. differentia...


Brand: A brand is a combination of a name, term, design, symbol, or other feature that identi...

Module 10 - Product Marketing

Why It Matters: Product Marketing

Why make product marketing decisions based on product life cycle and product portfolio structure?...

Products and Marketing Mix

What you’ll learn to do: explain what a product is and the importance of products in the marketin...

Defining Product

A product is a bundle of attributes (features, functions, benefits, and uses) that a person recei...

Consumer Product Categories

Consumer products are often classified into four groups related to different kinds of buying deci...

Products and Services

Goods vs. Services In marketing, are services considered products? Should products that are pr...

Augmenting Products with Services

Earlier we touched on “augmented products,” which are tangible products, along with all of the se...

Product Marketing in the Marketing Mix

The Role of Product Marketing Product marketing is the function of understanding the target cust...

Product Life Cycle

What you’ll learn to do: discuss the product life cycle and its implications for marketing We ju...

Stages of the Product Life Cycle

A company has to be good at both developing new products and managing them in the face of changin...

Marketing through the Product Cycle

There are some common marketing considerations associated with each stage of the PLC. How markete...

Challenges in the Product Life Cycle

In theory, the product life cycle follows a predictable path that is easy to understand. This mig...

Product Portfolio Management

What you’ll learn to do: explain product portfolio management and how it relates to the organizat...

The Product Portfolio

Throughout this course we have discussed a number of ways that organizations market products succ...

Achieving Portfolio Objectives

In our discussion of the product life cycle, we saw that competition generally increases as more ...

New Products in the Portfolio

Factors Influencing the Pace of Product Development New-product introductions are an important c...

New Product Development Process

What you’ll learn to do: describe the new-product development process We have considered the rol...

Overview of the New-Product Development Process

Introduction There are probably as many varieties of new-product development systems as there ...

Generating and Screening Ideas

Introduction The first phase of the new product development process is creating a viable produ...

Developing New Products

Introduction The second phase of the new-product development process focuses on the ac...

Commercializing New Products

Introduction The final phase of the new-product development process focuses on commercializing t...

Video: Target Product Design

Target’s design products include many of the success factors we’ve discussed in this module. As y...

Challenges for New Products

What you’ll learn to do: identify the challenges associated with marketing a new product successf...

Diffusion of Innovation

Just as the product life cycle has a typical bell-shaped pattern, there is a predictable—and simi...

Improved Success in Product Development

One common cause of failure in the developing and marketing of new products is something called “...

Putting It Together: Product Marketing

In this module we’ve covered a wide range of topics related to the role of the product in the mar...

Module 10 Discussion: Product Strategy

Instructions Write a post for the Discussion on this topic, addressing the questions below. You ...


1. An offering by an organization that provides tangible or intangible customer satisfaction is t...


Go-to-market (GTM) strategy: A plan for introducing a new product or service to the market. ...

Module 11 - Pricing Strategies

Why It Matters: Pricing Strategies

Why use pricing strategies to enhance marketing of products and services? When was cr...

Learning Hacks: The Myth of Multitasking

THE HACK Multitasking is actually not possible for humans; what we think of as multitasking is r...

Pricing Impact on Value of Products or Services

What you’ll learn to do: discuss how price affects the value of an organization’s products or ser...

Demonstrating Customer Value

Introduction Rent the Runway is a company that lets customers borrow expensive designer dresse...

The Psychology of Pricing

You will notice that when we discussed the value equation in the previous reading, we referred to...

Video: Value in Branded Eyewear

Many consumers pay a premium price for branded eyewear. How does the brand name influence the pri...

Pricing Considerations

What you’ll learn to do: explain the primary factors to consider in pricing Now that we’ve con...

Pricing Objectives

Introduction Companies set the prices of their products in order to achieve specific objective...

Break-Even Pricing

Introduction Regardless of the pricing strategy a company ultimately selects, it is important to...

Competitor Impact on Pricing

Introduction It’s important to remember that pricing is just one component of the marketing mi...

Benefits of Value-Based Pricing

The Customer and the Pricing Decision We have discussed common company objectives that affect ...

Common Pricing Strategies

What you’ll learn to do: compare common pricing strategies Thus far we have discussed many prici...

Skim Pricing

With a totally new product, competition either doesn’t exist or is minimal, and there’s no market...

Penetration Pricing

What Is Penetration Pricing? Penetration pricing is a pricing strategy in which the price of a...

Cost-Oriented Pricing

Cost-Plus Pricing Cost-plus pricing, sometimes called gross margin pricing, is perhaps the most ...

Discounting Strategies

In addition to deciding about the base price of products and services, marketing managers must al...

Price Elasticity

What you’ll learn to do: explain price elasticity and its impact on price Now that you understan...

Video: Elasticity of Demand

The following video is a little long to watch, but it provides an excellent overview of elasticit...

Elasticity and Price Changes

Introduction With a good understanding of what elasticity means and how it is calculated, we can...

Products with Elastic and Inelastic Demand

Now that you’ve had some practice calculating the value of elasticity, let’s turn to some of the ...

Competitive Bidding

What you’ll learn to do: explain the use of competitive bidding for B2B pricing Generally in bus...

Competitive Bidding

When we discussed buyer behavior, we identified the stages that organizations go through to make ...

Price in the Competitive Bid

What role does the price play in the competitive bid process? The answer to this question can v...

Putting It Together: Pricing Strategies

Let’s return to our discussion of Amazon Prime pricing in the context of the pricing concepts we’...

Module 11 Discussion: Pricing Strategy

Instructions Write a post for the Discussion on this topic, addressing the questions below. You ...


1. Jack uses several criteria to determine how much he is willing to spend to satisfy his needs. ...


Cost-plus pricing: This involves setting the price of a product by adding a markup to the cos...

Module 12 - Place: Distribution Channels

Why It Matters: Place: Distribution Channels

Why evaluate how to use distribution channels to market an organization’s products and services e...

Using Channels of Distribution

What you’ll learn to do: explain what channels of distribution are and why organizations use them...

Define Channels of Distribution

Evolution of Channels of Distribution As consumers, we take for granted that when we go to a s...

Distribution Objectives

Introduction The distribution strategy supports company-level objectives, as well as marketing...

Channel Structures

While channels can be very complex, there is a common set of channel structures that can be ident...

The Role of Intermediaries

Introduction While the retail channel is most familiar to students, wholesalers play an import...

Marketing Channels vs. Supply Chains

What Is a Supply Chain? We have discussed the channel partners, the roles they fill, and the s...

Managing Distribution Channels

What you’ll learn to do: explain how channels affect the marketing of products and services By M...

Optimizing Channels

Introduction Geico didn’t simply find itself owning the online, direct channel. It analyzed it...

Third-Party Sales

Introduction Throughout the channel structure there are a number of points where sales may occ...

Service Outputs

As with each element of the marketing mix, different segments of customers have different needs w...

Retailers As Channels of Distribution

What you’ll learn to do: describe types of retailers and explain how they are used as a channel o...

Define Retailing

Introduction Retailing involves all activities required to market consumer goods and services ...

Types of Retailers

Beyond the distinctions in the products they provide, there are structural differences among reta...

Retail Strategy

Just when we have finally mastered the marketing mix that includes the four Ps, we arrive at the ...

Integrated Supply Chain Management and the Distribution Strategy

Earlier in this module we discussed the definition of supply chain and the difference between the...

Components of a Supply Chain

The interconnected teams and organizations that comprise the supply chain provide a range of diff...

Integrated Supply Chain Management

As the importance of managing the supply chain well has increased, companies have acknowledged ...

Supply Chain and Channel Strategy

Let’s look at an example in which the supply chain is key to a successful channel strategy that d...

Putting It Together: Place: Distribution Channels

Let’s return to our earlier example of Whole Foods’ and Trader Joe’s distribution strategies now ...

Module 12 Discussion: Distribution Strategy

Instructions Write a post for the Discussion on this topic, addressing the questions below. You ...


1. Sets of interdependent organizations participating in the process providing a payment mechanis...


Distribution channels: various methods and channels (physical or virtual) through which a produ...

Module 13 - Promotion: Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC)

Why It Matters: Promotion: Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC)

Why demonstrate how organizations use integrated marketing communication (IMC) to support their m...

Learning Hacks: Learning Styles

THE HACK While people may prefer to learn in certain ways, learning styles do not exist Try to ...

Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) Definition

What you’ll learn to do: explain integrated marketing communication (IMC) and its connection to t...

Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) Definition

IMC: Making an Impact with Marketing Communication Having a great product available to your cu...

Marketing Campaigns and IMC

The Marketing Campaign Determining which marketing communication methods and tools to use and ...

Defining the Message

What you’ll learn to do: discuss how to develop effective messaging for marketing communications ...

Defining the Message

Why the Message Matters A clear, consistent message can be the difference between ...

Determining IMC Objectives and Approach

What you’ll learn to do: explain factors to consider when selecting marketing communication metho...

Determining IMC Objectives and Approach

Laying the Foundation for Effective Marketing Campaigns To use integrated marketing communicatio...

Video: Prioritizing Marketing Communications

Given all the different marketing communication tools and opportunities out there, it can be hard...

Marketing Communication Methods

What you’ll learn to do: describe common methods of marketing communication, their advantages and...


Advertising: Pay to Play A 1900 advertisement for Pears soap Advertising is any paid fo...

Public Relations

Public Relations: Getting Attention to Polish Your Image Public relations (PR) is the process ...

Sales Promotions

Sales promotion helps make personal selling and advertising more effective. Sales promotions are ...

Personal Selling

People Power Personal selling uses in-person interaction to sell products and services. This t...

Direct Marketing

Direct Marketing: Going Straight to the Customer Direct marketing activities bypass any interm...

Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing: Inform, Entice, Engage Digital marketing is an umbrella term for using a digi...

Guerrilla Marketing

Guerrilla Marketing: Thinking Outside the Box Guerrilla marketing is a relatively new marketing ...

Using IMC in the Sales Process

What you’ll learn to do: explain how IMC tools support the sales process As you know very well b...

Using IMC in the Sales Process

Through the Looking Glass: Understanding the Sales Process Up to this point, we’ve emphasized th...

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Systems and IMC

What you’ll learn to do: describe the uses of customer relationship management (CRM) systems for ...

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Systems and IMC

Using CRM to Support Marketing Communication Earlier in this course we introduced customer relat...

Measuring Marketing Communication Effectiveness

What you’ll learn to do: explain common tools used to measure marketing communication effectivene...

Measuring Marketing Communication Effectiveness

Why Measure? Measurement is an important aspect of marketing campaigns and other marketing act...

Developing a Marketing Campaign and Budget

What you’ll learn to do: create a marketing campaign and budget using multiple IMC tools to execu...

Developing a Marketing Campaign and Budget

Planning for Action As you can appreciate at this point—especially after learning about all th...

Putting It Together: Promotion: Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC)

The readings in this module pulled apart the different pieces of integrated marketing communicati...

Module 13 Discussion: Marketing Campaign Concept

Instructions Write a post for the Discussion on this topic, addressing the questions below. You ...


1. The process involving coordination of a variety of different communication tools used to deliv...


Advertising: A paid, non-personal communication through various media (such as television, ra...

Module 14 - Marketing Globally

Why It Matters: Marketing Globally

Why identify issues that organizations face and approaches they use when marketing to different c...

Globalization Benefits and Challenges

What you’ll learn to do: describe globalization and the major benefits and challenges it poses fo...

Globalization Benefits and Challenges

Defining Globalization Globalization is a term used to describe how countries, people and busine...

Approaches to Global Competition

What you’ll learn to do: describe common approaches used by organizations to compete successfully...

Entry Strategies in Global Markets

Choosing a Global Entry Strategy Firms typically approach international marketing cautiously. Th...

Approaches to Global Competition

International Coca-Cola: Like many product companies, Coke has used a mix of standardizat...

Video: McDonald’s “Glocalization”

Few would disagree that fast-food chain McDonald’s is a master of global marketing. As you watch ...

Applying Marketing Principles in the Global Environment

The Marketing Mix in Global Marketing The same marketing principles that lead to marketing s...

Factors Shaping the Global Marketing Environment

What you’ll learn to do: explain the importance of understanding how demographic, cultural, and i...

Demographic Factors Shaping the Global Marketing Environment

Using Demographics to Guide Global Marketing Strategy Whether marketing to domestic or internati...

Cultural Factors Shaping the Global Marketing Environment

The Immense Impact of Culture in Global Marketing Culture refers to the influence of religious, ...

Institutional Factors Shaping the Global Marketing Environment

The Influence of Government and Regulations on Global Marketing Political Stability ...

Putting It Together: Marketing Globally

Global marketing is a demanding field because of the many different factors involved in the succe...

Module 14 Discussion: Global Marketing

Instructions Write a post for the Discussion on this topic, 1–2 paragraphs in length. Part 1: C...

New PageModule 14 Assignment: Marketing Plan Peer Review

For this assignment, students use the same rubric as the instructor (see instructions below) and ...


1. The descriptive term used to explain how people, businesses, and countries around the world ar...


Cultural adaptation: The process of adapting a product or marketing campaign to a specific cult...

Module 15 - Marketing Plan

Why It Matters: Marketing Plan

Why develop a marketing plan? In a very real way, the marketing plan is the culmination of every...

Learning Hacks: Don’t Bother Highlighting

THE HACK Highlighting or underlining potentially important parts of a text is not a very effecti...

Elements of the Marketing Plan

What you’ll learn to do: identify the key elements of the marketing plan A lot of work goes into...

Elements of the Marketing Plan

Charting the Course Ahead: The Marketing Plan Marketing exists in order to support an organizati...

Presenting the Marketing Plan

What you’ll learn to do: present a marketing plan This marketing course was designed with the id...

Presenting the Marketing Plan

Getting Started: Your Target Audience When you were developing your own marketing plan, consider...

Business Presentations

Introduction If you think about presenting a business plan in a classroom setting, the situati...

The Marketing Plan in Action

Explain how the marketing plan is used by marketing and the overall organization In the first fe...

Using and Updating the Marketing Plan

Creating Alignment The marketing plan captures the outputs from the marketing planning process i...

Putting It Together: Marketing Plan

Having taken an entire course and developed your own marketing plan, you’re well on your way to b...

Module 15 Assignment: Marketing Plan Presentation

Instructors may structure this assignment in a variety of ways: Individual presentations. Stud...


1. What is the purpose of a marketing plan? A) It is meant to be a document used for adverti...


Target market: The specific group of consumers that a business is trying to reach with its mark...