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Digital Marketing Strategy (Fall23)

Pierre-Yann Dolbec

The Internet has transformed how businesses conduct their activities and how consumers go about buying products. This textbook aims to provide a way of conceptualizing how to do marketing online and a strategic framework to do so.

Book Information

Book Description The Internet has transformed how businesses conduct their activities and how co...


Pierre-Yann Dolbec The internet has digitalized our lives: we now create and meet others in onli...


Pierre-Yann Dolbec Pierre thanks Alexandre Bustamante for the book illustrations, Kelly-Anne Lem...

Module 1: Introduction to Digital Marketing

LICENSE Introduction to Digital Marketing by Pierre-Yann Dolbec is licensed under a Creative C...

Module 2: Understanding the Digital Consumer

LICENSE Understanding the Digital Consumer by Pierre-Yann Dolbec is licensed under a Creative ...

Module 3: Planning for a Digital Marketing Campaign

LICENSE Understanding the Digital Consumer by Pierre-Yann Dolbec is licensed under a Creative ...

Chapter 3: Planning for a Digital Marketing Campaign

Overview In this chapter, we discuss how to use keywords to create pages and content that respon...


SEO is “the process of affecting the online visibility of a website or a webpage in a web search ...

Why is SEO Important?

People use keywords to interact with content online, and most online experiences start with a sea...

So, How Do You Rank High?

The main job of a search engine is to serve results that best address people’s search queries. Le...

Understanding Search Algorithms to Rank High

As shown by the video explaining how Google works, there are more than 200 variables that are tak...

User Experience

The first and most important set of factors relate to user experience, or “a person’s perceptions...


The second most important set of factors relates to backlinks, or links back to your website from...


The last set of factors concern keywords. Keywords are terms you include on your webpages to comm...

Understanding How Consumers Use Keywords

Since user experience is central to ranking high, it becomes quite important to understand how pe...

Using Keywords to Analyze Competitors

We conclude this chapter by examining how keywords can be used to analyze your competition. To fr...

Keyword Competitive Analysis

We should understand well, at this point, that we are creating webpages with the goal of ranking ...


Background Persona You are a real estate company located in Montreal that specializes in...

Module 4: Introduction to Digital Strategy

LICENSE Understanding the Digital Consumer by Pierre-Yann Dolbec is licensed under a Creative ...

Module 5: Reach: Generating Awareness and Attracting Visitors

LICENSE Understanding the Digital Consumer by Pierre-Yann Dolbec is licensed under a Creative ...

Module 6: Act: Creating Content

LICENSE Understanding the Digital Consumer by Pierre-Yann Dolbec is licensed under a Creative ...

Module 7: Act: Lead Generation and Lead Nurturing

LICENSE Understanding the Digital Consumer by Pierre-Yann Dolbec is licensed under a Creative ...

Module 8: Convert: Conversion Optimization

LICENSE Understanding the Digital Consumer by Pierre-Yann Dolbec is licensed under a Creative ...

Chapter 8: Convert: Conversion Optimization

Overview In this chapter, we cover what conversion is and how to optimize webpages to convert be...


The convert stage is focused on increasing conversions to maximize sales. It emphasizes both maxi...

Understanding What to Optimize

To manage optimization, firms should first examine the general path of a specific persona as they...

A/B Testing

One of the main tools in the arsenal of conversion optimization is A/B testing. A/B tests “consi...

Conversion-Centered Principles

We will next cover principles for conversion-centered design proposed by Unbounce. The main idea ...

Create Focus

Although we think of choice as a great thing, more options are associated with a breadth of negat...

Draw Attention

Once a firm has identified what goal visitors are supposed to achieve, it can use visual elements...

Contrast and Color

Similarly, contrast and color draw the attention of the visitors to the contrasting and colorful ...

Directional Cues

Directional cues serve two purposes. First, they help direct visitors’ attention to the elements ...


Lastly, whitespace is also a design tool that is useful to draw the attention of visitors to spec...

Build Structure for Clarity

Building structure for clarity is all about making sure the message of a page gets across clearly...

Stay Consistent

By consistency, we mean how all the elements of a campaign work together. Ideally, these elements...

Message and Design Matching

Ensuring consistency can be supported by practicing message and design matching. Message matchin...

Build Trust

In an age where fake news is rampant, almost half of Amazon reviews are unreliable (AdAge), and w...

Consider Congruence

Congruence is particularly relevant when designing landing pages, but its driving principles can ...

Think Continuity

Ensuring that a persona achieves its macro conversion (e.g., making a sale) entails having well d...

Remarketing and Retargeting

Remarketing (sometimes called list-based retargeting) and retargeting (also called pixel or behav...


Conversion Optimization Based on this week’s chapter, optimize the landing page located ...

Module 9: Engage: Building Loyalty and Co-Creating With Customers

LICENSE Understanding the Digital Consumer by Pierre-Yann Dolbec is licensed under a Creative ...


A/B Testing: A method of comparing two versions of a marketing campaign t...

Appendix: Text Descriptions of Figures

Figure 2.2 Types of Segmentation↩ By Behavior benefits sought from the product how often...

About the Author

Pierre-Yann Dolbec is an assistant professor of marketing and Concordia University Research Chair...