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  • Attitude: A person's evaluation of a product, service, or concept, based on their beliefs, feelings, and behavioral intentions towards it.

  • Consumer psychology: The study of how consumers think, feel, and behave when making purchasing decisions.

  • Motivation: The internal and external factors that drive an individual to take action.

  • Perception: The process by which an individual selects, organizes, and interprets information to form a meaningful picture of the world.

  • Persuasion: The process of convincing an individual to take a particular course of action.

  • Reference group: A group of people to whom an individual looks for guidance on attitudes and behavior.

  • Self-concept: The way an individual sees themselves, including their values, beliefs, and self-image.

  • Social influence: The impact that other people have on an individual's behavior and decision-making.

  • Values: A person's fundamental beliefs about what is important in life.

  • Variety-seeking behavior: The tendency of consumers to seek out new and different products or experiences.