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  • Advertising: A paid, non-personal communication through various media (such as television, radio, print, online) by an identified sponsor using mass communication techniques to promote a product, service, or idea.

  • Brand: The overall perception that a consumer has of a product, service, or organization. A brand includes elements such as the brand name, logo, tagline, and design elements.

  • Brand equity: The value of a brand in the marketplace, based on consumer perceptions and associations with the brand.

  • Integrated marketing communication (IMC): An approach to promotion that coordinates all promotional activities and communications with a consistent message across all channels. IMC aims to create a seamless experience for the customer and to maximize the effectiveness of the promotion.

  • Marketing mix: The four elements of marketing (product, price, place, and promotion) that a company uses to reach its target market.

  • Personal selling: A form of promotion that involves face-to-face communication between a salesperson and a potential customer.

  • Public relations (PR): A form of promotion that involves building and maintaining relationships with various stakeholders (such as customers, employees, investors, and media) in order to enhance the reputation of an organization.

  • Sales promotion: Short-term incentives to encourage the purchase or sale of a product or service. Sales promotions can take many forms, such as discounts, coupons, contests, and samples.

  • Sponsorship: A form of promotion in which an organization provides financial or in-kind support to an event, activity, or cause in exchange for promotional opportunities.

  • Target market: The specific group of consumers that a company aims to reach with its marketing efforts.