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Module 12 - Place: Distribution Channels

Why It Matters: Place: Distribution Channels

Why evaluate how to use distribution channels to market an organization’s products and services e...

Using Channels of Distribution

What you’ll learn to do: explain what channels of distribution are and why organizations use them...

Define Channels of Distribution

Evolution of Channels of Distribution As consumers, we take for granted that when we go to a s...

Distribution Objectives

Introduction The distribution strategy supports company-level objectives, as well as marketing...

Channel Structures

While channels can be very complex, there is a common set of channel structures that can be ident...

The Role of Intermediaries

Introduction While the retail channel is most familiar to students, wholesalers play an import...

Marketing Channels vs. Supply Chains

What Is a Supply Chain? We have discussed the channel partners, the roles they fill, and the s...

Managing Distribution Channels

What you’ll learn to do: explain how channels affect the marketing of products and services By M...

Optimizing Channels

Introduction Geico didn’t simply find itself owning the online, direct channel. It analyzed it...

Third-Party Sales

Introduction Throughout the channel structure there are a number of points where sales may occ...

Service Outputs

As with each element of the marketing mix, different segments of customers have different needs w...

Retailers As Channels of Distribution

What you’ll learn to do: describe types of retailers and explain how they are used as a channel o...

Define Retailing

Introduction Retailing involves all activities required to market consumer goods and services ...

Types of Retailers

Beyond the distinctions in the products they provide, there are structural differences among reta...

Retail Strategy

Just when we have finally mastered the marketing mix that includes the four Ps, we arrive at the ...

Integrated Supply Chain Management and the Distribution Strategy

Earlier in this module we discussed the definition of supply chain and the difference between the...

Components of a Supply Chain

The interconnected teams and organizations that comprise the supply chain provide a range of diff...

Integrated Supply Chain Management

As the importance of managing the supply chain well has increased, companies have acknowledged ...

Supply Chain and Channel Strategy

Let’s look at an example in which the supply chain is key to a successful channel strategy that d...

Putting It Together: Place: Distribution Channels

Let’s return to our earlier example of Whole Foods’ and Trader Joe’s distribution strategies now ...

Module 12 Discussion: Distribution Strategy

Instructions Write a post for the Discussion on this topic, addressing the questions below. You ...


1. Sets of interdependent organizations participating in the process providing a payment mechanis...


Distribution channels: various methods and channels (physical or virtual) through which a produ...