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  • A/B testing: A method of comparing two versions of a product or marketing campaign to determine which performs better.
  • Brand awareness: The degree to which consumers are familiar with a brand and recognize it when they see it.
  • Customer segmentation: The process of dividing a customer base into smaller groups with common characteristics.
  • Focus group: A small, representative group of people who participate in a structured discussion about a product or service.
  • Market research: The process of gathering, analyzing, and interpreting information about a market, its customers, and the competition.
  • Marketing mix: The combination of product, price, promotion, and place (distribution) strategies that a company uses to market its products or services.
  • Niche market: A specific, narrow segment of a larger market.
  • Target market: The specific group of consumers that a company is trying to reach with its marketing efforts.
  • USP (Unique Selling Proposition): The unique benefit or advantage that a company's product or service offers over its competitors.